ZeLearn - Exams

A Learning Management System

Optimized for Universities
Zelearn is a powerful learning management system that fulfils all your requirements. Using its integrated tools, small and large businesses, universities, schools and public authorities are able to create tailored, individual learning scenarios.
Zelearn powerful core is used all over the world in reputable universities and large businesss.
With the help of the exam module in ZeLearn system, you can:

Create and Administrate

In ZeLearn-Exams you can use tests to assess the learning success. Tests are stand-alone objects, which can be created inside and outside of other learning units in the repository. 

Question pools for Tests

A question pool is a container for questions and has to be set up before a test can be created. In a test you can use questions from different question pools. If you want to import a test, you have to assign the included questions to one of your question pools. If you want them to be available separately, you have to create an appropriate question pool before you start the import.

Re-use Question pools

You can re-use questions from your question pools in as many tests as you wish. For instance, you can create questions pools for different topics separately and combine them in tests. It is also possible to let the questions be chosen by random, while you can define how many questions from each question pool should be used.