A Distant Learning Management System
Optimized for Universities
Learning at home is fun again for students and teachers. Canvas enables a virtual class environment, where teacher students are always connected. Tutors can manage their courses in real-time.
Instructors love canvas for how easy it is - to import, build, and manage courses, to grade, to communicate with their students, and to love.
Students love Canvas because of its highly customizable notification system, its integration with their favorite devices and social platforms, interactivity, and—yes—ease of use.
And admins love Canvas because it gives them control over things they couldn’t do before (at least not without significant difficulty).
Secure, Reliable, & Other Anxiety-Reducing Things
No other LMS has done so much to ensure their (and your) security. We conduct regular internal audits and even contract independent security specialists to perform and publish a public security audit. Since the very beginning, Canvas has featured an industry-best 99.9% guaranteed uptime Service Level Agreement (SLA) to all customers.
and Flexible
Canvas provides an extensive, open API, making it easy for third-party apps to plug right into Canvas, pull from its data, and push data back in. We built a whole app center just to make it even easier for institutions and instructors to experiment and adapt new technologies into their courses. Browse through loads of LTI apps and install them in a single click. No IT support necessary.
Fast & Steady Wins The Race
Canvas is hosted on the world’s most robust hosting platform (Amazon Web Services). It’s as fast as you can get, which means–of course–that so is Canvas.
Learning Management System Trends
Canvas continues to widen its lead in US higher education over top rival LMS, Blackboard Learn. Moodle is currently the most commonly used platform in Egyptian higher education which sees a net decline in market share.